Customer Testimonial...Fellow Horse Lovers - My Tennessee Walking Horse cross, Sunny, is a large, beautiful Palomino with a kind heart and a funny personality. I am his third owner, and tearfully reached a point last spring where I felt I needed to sell him for economic reasons. His kind heart and gentle nature had allowed me two years of 'getting by', but if I wanted to find the kind of home he deserved some training issues needed to be addressed. Who would want a horse that became a head bobbing giraffe when it came time to be bridled, chomped and mouthed the bit anxiously while ridden, 'followed his nose' only if it was pointed in the direction he wanted to go, would not stand still for mounting, had a racing trot and no directional control at the canter?
I brought Sunny to Pete because I knew he had many years of impressive experience and, just as importantly, a reputation for establishing a loving connection with the horses he trained. King's Revenue Ranch was quite a drive for me so I could not be out there everyday. I never once worried about my horse. Pete loved him, understood him, and the horse loved him back. How many trainers truly value a client's horse like it was their own? How many trainers take in to account the horses point of view?
Three months later, my friends hardly recognize Sunny. His body is fit. His mind is confident and relaxed. The problems on the list above? Gone! He drops his head when asked and leaves his nose at the level of my waist while bridling. He stands absolutely still while mounting and remains still until given a cue to do otherwise. He is soft on the bit, and all the mouthing and bit evasion are gone. He moves in the direction cued and halts quickly when asked. Now, I not only emotionally love this horse, but love to ride him as well!
My husband sees how much this horse means to me, and has forbidden me to make the sacrifice of selling him. Thanks to Pete, Sunny is my dream horse and I will never give him up. I will forever be grateful for the difference Pete has made in my horse's life and my own. Thank you so much, Pete. I want you to know how much I value the time you gave to my horse and myself. You've made a difference in our lives that won't be forgotten. I feel so lucky to have found you.